“Moo Bamreu,” a four-year-old pet pig, became an online sensation when his owners called for help, as their house and Moo Bamreu’s cage in Chiang Rai province were severely flooded, with the waters rising.
The pig was kept in an open air cage near the house. Although it was on elevated ground, this year’s floodwaters rose so high that Moo Bamreu had to live in the water for a few days.
Yesterday, volunteers responded to the call and used a six-wheel truck to relocate Moo Bamreu. The rescue was filmed and shared on Facebook. It rapidly went viral.
Thai netizens swamped social media with appreciation for the volunteers and expressions of relief that Moo Bamreu had been saved from the floods in Chiang Rai.
Sadly, this morning, the Facebook page which had coordinated the pig’s rescue posted: “Moo Bamreu is dead.”
The post speculated that Moo Bamreu may have been drinking dirty, contaminated floodwater, which caused his death.
Many netizens left expressions of condolence on the page.
- The owners said Moo Bamreu had survived floods in the province for the four years since they bought and cared for him as a pet.